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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hoping to complete the next 5 boxes asap

For the 5 boxes that I want to complete asap, I need:

4 disposible cameras
4 moulding clay
5 cardstock (I forgot I was going to do this -- it is for footprints and handprints -- nicer than the one the hospital gives out)
and 3 small photo albums because the ones I have don't fit in these smaller boxes (which I won't use again, but since I have them, I'll use them)


Allison said...

Terri, I think you are doing an awsome job, keep it up.

I have the card stock for you, as well as two air dry clays.

Question, if you are providing clay, do you really want the card stock too? Is it just for options? I have no problem with getting both, I have lots of quality cardstock at home for scrapbooking.

I'm coming with you today to get the cameras too!!!

Tyla'sMommy said...

Alli, It is about providing options. Some people might not want to do both, some people might use the cardstock for something else, it is up to them, really, but I'm providing them with opportunity to make as many memories as they desire.